Funcionamiento de la moral y Puntos de vista

There are only 2 absolute things in life: God and the Death. Any ideology, action, desision or path only leads to either one or another.

Metaphysics of a new dualism

Funcionamiento de la moral y Puntos de vista

No thing and no one remains in the same state; it always changes, either physically or spiritually.

-We are all the good and the evil things in this world, the only that changes is how the good and evil manifest themselves in us.
-Life is constant contradiction. It is here where absurdity and confusion are found.
-All knowledge, all moral law and all that is usefull can affect you, can be applied and/or be eithe beneficial or harmful for you and the world. That includes everything you have previously known or are about to know.
-For, mostly, what concerns nature (or, in reference to the nature of something or someone), there are things that are, always have been and always will be. Was the world first before the human, or was the human before the world?
-If you are waiting but nothing happens, make it happen. If you are worrying but nothing happens, make sure it doesn't happens.
-Something must always be or go wrong, and something must always be or go right.
-Nothing is free. You always must provide or give something in exchange, as minimal and insignificant that thing can be or may seems to be.

About Good and Evil in the human

-You are either good or you do good, but you can't do both.
-It is not the same to do good than to be good (nice), it is not the same to be good (kind) than to do good, it is not the same to do good than to make somebody feel good.
-Not all evil can be seen at first look, not all evil shows itself, either by itself or throught someone or something.
-Everybody is evil but us... until the people or the circunstances shows us otherwise.
-For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.(The Bible, Matthew 7:2)
-There are no rational reasons to do evil
-The humans are animals and will therefore be influenced by their instincts.

The rise and fall of anthropocentrism

-Only correct way to fully know and understand the human genus is being and staying appart of humanity.
-Every human being has attached a sense of morality, as minimal and "corrupt" (in the eyes of the society) as it can or may be.
-The notion of righteousness (whether it is in accordance with "rightness" or not) borns from the desire to keep something "as pure as possible", or in pursuit of a greater good (for oneself or society).
-The end of all righteousness in reasoning is where the desires of the instincts begin
-Next to the love of life, it shows itself here as the strongest and most active of all motives, and incessantly lays claim to half the powers and thoughts of the younger portion of mankind. It is the ultimate goal of almost all human effort; it has an unfavourable influence on the most important affairs, interrupts every hour the most serious occupations, and sometimes perplexes for a while even the greatest minds. It does not hesitate to intrude with its trash, and to interfere with the negotiations of statesmen and the investigations of the learned. It knows how to slip its love-notes and ringlets even into ministerial portfolios and philosophical manuscripts. Every day it brews and hatches the worst and most perplexing quarrels and disputes, destroys the most valuable relationships, and breaks the strongest bonds. (The world as will and representation, Arthur Schopenhauer)

Funcionamiento de la moral y Puntos de vista

-the only way to avoid the misfortunes and corruption of the masses is to live apart from all human interaction.

The born of moral and sociocultural norms

-No matter how much one does or performs, refuses or accepts it: in the long run, the will of the masses is greater than the desire of the individual.
-The human being lives from the will or action of others. So much so that extreme loneliness can kill[1]. -Hence it is evident that the state is a creation of nature, and that is, by nature, a political animal.(The Politics, Aristotle)

The one and/against the world

-Every individual collaborates with the whole cosmic being, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not.(The Rebel Man, Albert Camus)
-The greatest expression of egoism is to attach, in one way or another, to the nothing itself: to do nothing, to think nothing, to feel nothing, to interact with nothing. The violent anger of one man towards another who is in a state of peace and happiness demonstrates this.
-Everything changes, therefore nothing is absolute. Whether we notice or perceive such a change in anything is a separate matter.
-If we do not cause a change, consciously or unconsciously, time itself will modify our circumstances... and they might not always be in our favor
-The Supreme Lord said: I am mighty Time, the source of destruction that comes forth to annihilate the worlds. Even without your participation, the warriors arrayed in the opposing army shall cease to exist.(Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 11 Verse 32)
-Do not confuse reality (the external world, the earthly, phenomenal world, where things happen with or without your presence) with your reality (your ideas, ideologies, thoughts, feelings, memories).

Life from the nihil

-if in our daily relationships one of the many who want to know everything but learn nothing asks us if existence continues after death, the most convenient and, above all, the most correct answer would be: "After death you will be the same as you were before you were born".(Parerga and Paralipomena, Arthur Schopenhauer)
-The only absolute way to escape the misfortunes of this world is through suicide. Return to the nothing.


-Existence can only be described as a never-ending fight of will.
-Every individual has a will.
-The ways through an individual's will manifest can be many, but never by itself.
-A will cannot, never, fully satisfy an alien will (the will of another individual), even between close friends.
-A will can influence anotrher will.
-A will can affect in the original ways that another will acts or plans to act.
-The ways a will can affect another will are either through peace or violence; being peace the indirect influence or the one that shows its results through time, and being violent the direct action or those who affect the physical world (space). This, however, does not prevent a third will or factor to influence in the plans of the second will.
-A will rarely fulfills its mission to the letter, in the way it was planned from the beginning, and even less at the right time when it was needed for it.
-Existence can only be described as a never-ending fight of wills
-Existence can only be secured with a will of fight

The Suffering

-Life is suffering.(simplification of the first of the Buddha's "4 Noble Truths", written in the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta)
-For males, the path to plenitude is suffering.
-For females, the path to plenitude is pleasure.
-Both, males and females, need pleasure and suffering.
-The way they acquire them, feel them, transmit them and the subsequent consequences (long or short term), are one of the qualities that differentiate males from females.
.Plenitude is the closest an individual can come to something “perfect”, “pure” or “absolute”. -You can only perfect one thing at a time (see image 3).

The unit facing the rest who surround it.

-Looking, even, in the most minimal aspects of each one, no person can never be equal to another person. Not even twins see each other as equal.
-Each individual experiences life in a certain way or another. Laughs and cries in a certain way before a certain situation, mocks or meditates in a certain way before a certain idea.
-In the face of such differences, the only appropriate way to view a society is as "a collective of individuals".
-The only thing we all have in common is suffering.
-No matter where you go, everyone's connected.


-You cannot undo your actions, but you can remedy them.